Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The On The Brain Fitness Industry - 939 Words

50 million people in 180 countries have signed up with Lumosity to â€Å"Train their Brains†. ‘Brain training’ is something we do every single minute of the day: when we calculate the total of our shopping list, when we drive safely from home to work with out causing accidents, and even when we communicate with each other. So why pay $14.95 a month to stare at a succession of flying birds to improve our focus? These birds, apparently, will help us forestall mental decline. It may sound absurd when put in this way, but essentially, it is the core of what is being advertised. In the brain fitness industry, much of the focus has been on helping children and teenagers with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. The aim is to develop the brain in such a way that it performs at optimum capacity in five areas: language, memory, problem solving, mental agility and focus. But the question rem ains whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, picture, studying or improving skill on a video game — can really raise your intelligence or prevent memory loss? Personally, I cannot give any plausibility to an industry that believes generalized tests can improve an individual’s brain activity with relation to his/her way of life. Instead, I genuinely worry that the outcome of continual practice of generalized â€Å"brain training† games will result in world of like-minded people, with noShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing And Present Research Information Essay1530 Words   |  7 Pageschanges that are required in the human resources division. Official assessments should be performed at least once in each year. Can you give me the feedback on this report please. 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