Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Governance & Ethics

Question: Discuss about theCorporate Governance Ethics. Answer: Introduction: Plagiarism has often emerged as one of the critical issue about which academic students complain along with their grades and assessment (Lathrop and Foss, 2005). In this context, the present report aims to analyse and examine the reasons behind the punishment given to students for doing plagiarism. Reason for Universities Punishing Plagiarism Plagiarism can be defined as incorporating the opinions and views of other authors in carrying out an academic work without giving them proper credit. It is regarded as cheating and unfair practices by the students studying in the international universities. Plagiarism is considered as strict offense as it is considered as stealing the work of others without giving them proper credibility (Lathrop and Foss, 2005). The international colleges and universities have regarded it as an academic offense and have implemented strict legal rules and policies against the students involved in such fraudulent activities. Plagiarism as a stealing offense is taken as issue of copyright infringement and thus is subjected to be dealt though taking proper legal action (Bloch, 2012). International universities regard it as criminal offense as they consider it as unethical and morally wrong. This is because students engaged in such activities often do not develop the requisite skills that they should obtain through carrying out a specific task provided to them. The completion of a specific academic task requires a student to conduct thorough research by critical evaluation of available sources. This results in enhancing the problem-solving and critical thinking abilities of students (Bloch, 2012). As such, students plagiarising their work are believed to lack appropriate reasoning and critical thinking skills and thus does not fulfil the criteria of completing their academic course. The main objective of international universities behind providing academic tasks to the students is to increase their analytical and reasoning skills. However, plagiarising of work by the students does not result in enhancing their academic skills and competencies. Therefore, internati onal universities undertake plagiarised work as unethical and criminal offense and undertake strict actions against the students involved in such corrupt practice (Lathrop and Foss, 2005). In addition to this, academic students involved in plagiarising also negatively impact the grades of other students. This is because undetected plagiarised work will achieve good grades and therefore will affect the grades of others students who have completed their work ethically. Plagiarism also negatively impacts the brand reputation of the college or university (Pecorari, 2010). The occurrence of plagiarism work by a student of a university implies that teachers or professors in that university are unable to develop the requite skills in the students required for completing a specific task. Thus, universities have implemented strict rules for students involved in plagiarism activities such as huge penalties or legal action to be taken against them (Pecorari, 2010). Conclusion Thus, it can be inferred from the discussion held in the overall report that plagiarism is indeed a serious academic offense and must be avoided by the students. References Bloch, J. 2012. Plagiarism, Intellectual Property and the Teaching of L2 Writing: Explorations in the Detection based Approach. Multilingual Matters. Lathrop, A. and Foss, K. 2005. Guiding Students from Cheating and Plagiarism to Honesty and Integrity: Strategies for Change. Libraries Unlimited. Pecorari, D. 2010. Academic Writing and Plagiarism: A Linguistic Analysis. AC Black.

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