Friday, February 28, 2020

Describe the UK carbon reduction strategy, trends and the contextual Literature review

Describe the UK carbon reduction strategy, trends and the contextual issues that are forcing carbon reduction - Literature review Example UK policy: Recent years have seen a significant increase in the U.K legislation’s focus towards reduction in carbon emissions. A number of government departments across U.K have seen adopt and implement greener processes and equipment to help reduce carbon emissions. In 2008, the UK Climate Change Act proposed a target regarding the reduction in carbon emission levels of the country. Through the Act the government obtained its first target for the year 2020 in which the government has taken upon itself to reduce carbon emissions by at least 34%. Along with a short term target the Act also has provided the British government with a long term target for the year 2050 where its target of carbon reduction is 80% (DWP, 2013). The Act provided the basis for a number of legislations such as the CRC EES (CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme), which makes it mandatory for each and every sector to purchase a certain amount of carbon allowances every year (DWP, 2013). In addition to this, the go vernment has made it compulsory for all government departments to adhere to the carbon reduction targets that have been provided to them. These targets are in terms of energy consumption, transportation as well as in terms of solid and water waste (DWP, 2013). The table below shows the sources of carbon dioxide emissions, within U.K, in metric tonnes since 1995. Finally in order to promote the idea of carbon reduction all buildings that cover an area of at least 1000 square meters and provide public access are legally bound to procure a DEC (Display Energy Certificate). DEC rates each building between a scale of A and G with A representing a building with the lowest amount of carbon emissions and G representing a building with the highest amount of carbon emissions (DWP, 2013). Year Energy Supply Transport Business Residential Other 1990 241 120 113 79 39 1995 210 120 107 81 36 2000 203 125 107 87 31 2005 216 129 97 84 27 2008 213 125 90 80 23 2009 190 121 79 75 17 2010 195 119 79 8 7 18 2011 182 117 76 66 17 2012 192 116 79 74 18 Source: (Department of Energy and Climate, 2013) Climate change: Climate change is a phenomenon that leads to a significant change in the temperature of Earth over a period of time. Climate change occurs due to numerous factors for example natural phenomenon such as a variation in solar radiation that hits the earth increase the temperature of the planet. However, over the past few years’ human activities have also contributed to the increase in the overall temperature of the globe. These factors are have collectively been categorized under the heading of global warming (Houghton, 2004). Global warming in its basic terms is the steady increase in earth’s temperature mainly due to the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants. Due to the increase in greenhouse gases the past few years have been the warmest over a period of hundred years. The effects of global warming are not just re lated to the overall temperature of the planet, but can cause a wide range of physical as well as social impacts (Oxlade, 2003). Experts believe that

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Leadership Styles and Conflict Resolution Assignment

Leadership Styles and Conflict Resolution - Assignment Example re not honest when performing their roles as leaders as they tend to misuse the resources and tend to misuse their powers to misuse other people in the group. A leader must be honest in everything they handle, and this creates comfort and confidence with the leadership especially to employees. The second leadership quality is focus. A leader who is focused on his job tends to work better and relate well with his/her employees. For example, if a leader is not sure with what he/she is doing, how can people be sure of him/her and what he is doing? This makes the employees lose respect for the leader and tend to withdraw existing respect they had for the leader. The third leadership quality is respect. Respect is always applicable in all fields. A good leader must pay respect to his/her employees or group members. If a leader respects his/her members, the members of the group will also respect him. It will start by treating people with equal perspectives with no ranks or class (Bass and Ruth 201). The leadership is participative or democratic leadership. This type of leadership calls for participation from group members in helping the leader run errands of the group. This type of leadership is used when the errands of the group are at a standstill. A collective or participative type of decision making is used during this type of leadership. This means that members help the leader to make decisions for the group, and thus, everyone contributes to the decision making (Bass and Ruth 241). At some point in high school, I was captain of the basketball team. It reached a time when there was one student who was a drug addict, but he was the best player in the team. The team patron announced that we should do away with him or else the team would not participate in the competitions that were due in one week. I called for a meeting with the team, and I laid down the topic for discussion. I used participative leadership to arrive at a decision. The team resolved to do away