Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Personal Statement On My Family - 915 Words

All about Me To understand who I am, I have to start from my roots, which is my family. They have shaped me in more ways than one, from making me a strong person by constantly testing my sensitive points, to helping me pave a better path in life by teaching me not to make the same mistakes they did. They have impacted my life, not only mentally, but physically as well. They gave me help I needed, even when it was unwanted, and without that I wouldn’t be the southern, social, and sweet Sarah I am today. Just as my family has shaped my life socially, they have passed down traits down genetically. These health issues include having bad joints, potential diabetes, and obsessive compulsive disorder. I now see and understand that without being†¦show more content†¦When I am alone I am able to concentrate on my work and anticipate about how I will make my next move. I can weigh the pros and cons of each situation I am being challenged with so that I will be able to make the best choice in my decisions. As my personality has changed over the years, I have learned that I am drawn to groups that are sensible, supportive and mindful of their studies. As people get older, they mature mentally and physically. Boys for example, grow taller, their voices deepen, and they try to start acting like men. Girls on the other hand, start menstruation, develop breasts, and have hormonal changes resulting in mood swings. Not only are they changing physically, but they are also discovering who they are and want to be. I personally have changed in the past few years. I have matured and become more aware of how the real world is, which can be harsh and cruel. To find what type of personality I have I took three online tests. The results came out that I am sixty percent obsessive-compulsive, which is a person that is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. It also said that I am fifty three percent narc issistic, which in shorter terms means a person who believes they are perfect. Another test said that I have the social realist personality type. This personality is warm-hearted, popular, and conscientious. The last personality test had the best results

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Domestic Violence Is A Crisis - 1171 Words

Every day most of us go about with our eyes closed towards the crisis of domestic violence. A study done showed that every nine seconds a women is beaten or assaulted (â€Å"Statistics†). The time that it has taken you to read to this point is the time it has taken for a women to be hit by this crisis. Yet, so many think that the concern for domestic violence is over-exaggerated. Many think that there are so many other epidemics going on that should take precedence over domestic violence. Besides worrying about these epidemics, it also can be hard to determine who really is a victim. Therefore, why should we spend time on this, when we could be directing more attention to the other occurrences? However, domestic violence is starting to become†¦show more content†¦Therefore, why shouldn’t we set our focus on the other devastating happenings occurring? Throughout our country, this is a common feeling among many people. Why is domestic violence a common concern wh en there are these other worries? Besides knowing these other epidemics, there is another common thought that concludes with people thinking domestic violence is over-exaggerated: being able to determine who is actually abused and who isn’t is a very difficult question. There are many factors that play a part in deciding. Pamela Biron is an author of many blogs that relate to dealings within a family, such as domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol addiction, and more. Within one blog called â€Å"False Allegations of Domestic Violence in Divorce Cases†, she explained many statistics and facts that either a man or women had lied about that had to do with domestic violence. One study showed, â€Å"Fathers organizations now estimate that up to 80% of domestic violence allegations against men are false allegations. Furthermore, 70% of restraining orders are trivial or false† (Biron). The reasons for these false allegations are simple. Many people lie because there are an incredible amount of sources that can help a victim, including legal support, counseling, employment services, financial assistance, services for children, or health-related services. These services are easily attainable if you can prove to be a victim. Yet, being able

Friday, December 13, 2019

Mannerism vs Classicism Free Essays

During the sixteenth century a style of art was developed almost by accident. It was developed mainly in Italy, in the city of Florence. It was different than all the other styles, and this intrigued many. We will write a custom essay sample on Mannerism vs Classicism or any similar topic only for you Order Now It had not had a real name until about 1921, it was called Mannerism. Mannerism is the best art form that came out of the Renaissance. During the sixteenth century while the High Renaissance was evolving two definite styles of artwork developed. The first, which was Mannerism and is also sometimes called anti-classical style, and the second was Classicism, also known as anti-mannerism. This is some sort of hint that the two were almost opposites. 1 One response that was provoked by the upheavals of the sixteenth century was the attempt to escape reality, an effort that was echoed by some of the painters of the age, known as Mannerists. The Mannerists and their patrons cultivated artificial and esoteric images of the world; they undermined perspective, distorted human figures, and devised unnatural colors and lighting to create startling effects. 2 Mannerism broke all of the unwritten rules of painting. It created darker paintings and showed more emotion. Mannerism can be quite easily recognized. Art was no longer boring, it was more creative; this is not to say that art before then was not creative. The artists mixed colors, creating new shades. Classicism however was almost totally different. Classicism, attempted to recapture the aesthetic values and the strict forms that had been favored in ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism aimed for grandiose effects, through restraint and discipline within a formal structure. 3 A classicist painter was restricted in the ways that he painted. There were unwritten and written codes on how to paint in the classic style. There was not as much creativity in the painting. The classicist painters used traditional shades and lighting effects, while mannerists experimented with them. Mannerism tore away from the traditional bounds that held the rest of the art world in. Mannerism produced many new ways of painting. Mannerism breaks apart from the formal principles established during this period. Michael Angelo, with his tormented figures, seems to have shown the road. Symmetry disappears in favor of diagonal compositions; balance and measure give room to movement and expression. The games played by light and shadow become as dramatic as the faces. 4 Many new shades of color and lighting effects were developed and this helped to set the mood that the artist wanted you to feel. They began to use acidic colors and painted new scenes not seen before. This got the people interested. They had seen the scenes that the classicist painters were painting, and that got boring. It s the same with things now. People always want the new, and not the old. The Mannerist artist has the right or duty to employ any possible method of observation. Thus, creating new and exciting paintings. Some of the best painters of all time came out of the Mannerist style. If one removes from an account of sixteenth century art in Rome Raphael and all Michealangelo s works then little is left. Only Sebastiano del Piombo and Giulio Romano remain as major painters. 6 Although these are the major painters of the Mannerist style, there were others, such as, Vasari, Ammanati, and Salviati. Mannerism was first definable by Raphael s pupil Giulio Romano. 7 Mannerism as a style had many influences in later art, such as with baroque. Baroque tried to do the same as the Mannerist style, only on a more grandeur scale. 8 Caravaggio who grew up in Rome around the evolving styles of art, mannerism influenced him the greatest. One of his greatest paintings, The Supper at Emmaus, is a great example of how mannerism was blended into a painting, although it cannot be placed under the same category. Mannerism doesn t only produce brilliant and rebel artists, it also produces schools which imitate it. 9 This sparked a whole new movement in art because individual artists shape their own styles, developing new ones, which people imitate and so on. Also, it wasn t just a period of art like classicism, people later in history painted in this style. Painting was not the only form of art that mannerism was used for. Architecture was also a form of art that was widely used in Europe. The Sistine Chapel is perhaps one of the greatest examples of mannerism used in architecture. The handling of decoration and space seen in Michealangelo s plans for the Laurentian Library is also Mannerist. 10 Mannerism used in architecture however was mainly used in the northern parts of Europe, but the most famous are in Italy. The architecture of the Classicism movement was all straightforward and Gothic-like. The mannerists found new ways to design manneristic architecture. The figures of the rhythmic anti-classical painter and or architect function otherwise, for in themselves they express neither an established rule of nature, nor any unambiguous rationally understood space. In a word, for them the problem of three-dimensional space vanishes, or can do so. 11 The Classical painter or architect would stay with many two dimensional figures and not let the building give a true three-dimensional look and feel, mannerists did this. In conclusion, Mannerism is definitely the best art style that came out of the Renaissance period. Not only did it find new and exciting ways to paint and sculpt, but also new ways to build buildings. Some of the greatest artists of all time were mannerists. The mannerist style influenced many painters and architects of later time. Mannerism, unlike other art styles was not so much a rebellion against older styles as a deliberate cultivation. 12 Therefore mannerism is the best art form that was developed during the renaissance. How to cite Mannerism vs Classicism, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Physical Fitness Essay Example For Students

Physical Fitness Essay Physical Fitness Essay is being healthy. To be healthy you must exercise, eat right and sleep good. When somebody is physically fit they fell better about themselves and they feel better physically. To become fit a person must work hard and eat right. They must eat healthy foods and workout or exercise regularly. One of the first steps to fitness is a healthy diet. There are six basic nutrients your body must have to stay healthy. Vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. Your body must have these nutrients to maintain healthy. Vitamins are essential and vital to good healthy. Vitamins A is a fat soluble vitamin which means it needs fats or oils for your body to absorb it. It is needed for healthy bones, skin and hair. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. It keeps your teeth and bones strong by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is acquired from diary products and the sun. Other vitamins include: vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2; just to name a few. Minerals are inorganic substances that your body cannot make and are necessary to life. It is needed for healthy bones, skin and hair. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. It keeps your teeth and bones strong by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It is acquired from diary products and the sun. Other vitamins include: vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2; just to name a few. Minerals are inorganic substances that your body cannot make and are necessary to life. They are important for protecting our cells and helping to keep our bones, teeth and skin healthy. They also play a role in blood pressure, heart regulation and muscle regulation. Calcium is a vital mineral because 99% of all the calcium in our bodies is found in our bones. Iron is also a essential mineral. It aids in the production of hemoglobin, myoglobin some enzymes. Magnesium, copper, phosphorus and potassium are all examples of minerals. Proteins can be found in many foods but are more abundant in meat, fish, eggs, milk and diary products. Proteins are needed in the building of and restoration of body tissues. Proteins are not normally stored or accumulated like carbohydrates or fats. That means that they must be consumed periodically, according to a persons sports or daily activities and to a persons muscle mass. Carbohydrates supply energy to the body. Carbs can be divided into two groups: simple carbs, complex carbs. The main difference between the two is the rate of absorption into the body. Simple carbohydrates like common sugar (all sweets, and junk food) provide immediate energy, but only for a short time. Complex carbohydrates (cereals and whole grain bread) are an excellent source of energy. They serve as long-term energy. They do not potentate weight gain like the simple carbs. Fats are divided into animal (saturated) fats, and vegetable (unsaturated) fats. They provide the body with energy too. They keep the body functioning properly. Fats can be stored, but when consumed in large amounts they can lead to weight gain. Exercising is essential to maintaining fitness. It burns off extra fat and increases stamina and cardiovascular health. Exercising is different for everyone. Not everybody can run as fast or lift as much as somebody else. When exercising you should start small, and work your way up. You can weight train, run, and participate in sports. Steroids are used for personal and medical reasons. Some people take the easy way out and will use steroids when they lift for quicker results. Anabolic steroids are made from testosterone a male hormone. It will increase muscle mass but it could have permanent effects on the user. Girls who take anabolic steroids will grow facial hair, have their voice deepened, and they will become more manlike. Boys will experience testicular shrinking, impotence, and possibly prostate cancer. Both male and females could end up with liver and kidney problems, skin problems, and coronary artery problems. .